Friday, August 31, 2012

Ribbons 2012

Best of show in Whole wheat bread (second time I have gotten this), first on white, 2nd on Sourdough, 2nd on rolls
Tom got Best of show on his White chocolate peppermint fudge (we still have a pan in the house- think i gotta break into it tomorrow)

First on my table runner

First on Cinnamon rolls, new recipe for me, so I was really happy with them.
WHAT,   no  ribbon  on a biscuit???
for the rest check out the fair, will not post Shelby's so see can be surprised.


  1. Congratulations on your ribbons :-) Back in about 1974 I won first for my wheat bread in the Ramona, San Diego, CA. 4H Fair. They asked me later what my pie crust was and said that if they had know it was wheat they would have given me 1st on that - they had never seen a wheat flour pie crust before. LOL.
    We are attending the fair on Monday.<3

  2. Happy Blue ribbons =} are an awesome cook.
