Have you tried to buy a Thanksgiving tablecloth in November?
There is nothing available, all of the shelf space at the stores are taken up with Christmas decorations and gifts to buy.
When did we start shopping for Christmas on Thanksgiving day? Why are the stores open at 3 and 4 AM this morning?
If you are shopping today ask yourself these questions:
How much money am I really SAVING?
Do I have to charge to get these great SAVINGS?
Does this make me happy?
Does this make me feel more anxious about the holidays?
If I gave a homemade gift would I be happier?
Does the person getting this gift need it??
I love Thanksgiving, just a wonderful meal with friends and family where we do not have to exchange any gifts or spend a lot of money.
So why are we skipping that wonderful day in our lives to hurry to start the next holiday?
I vow this year to put family before things, small homemade gifts only - (or on line shopping if there is really something needed or wanted)
Let's keep it simple, and be thankful.